
Response to St Pauls Gyratory consultation

30 Jan 2023

The City Property Association has responded to a City of London Corporation consultation on plans to transform the streets and public realm on the St Paul’s gyratory system. In our response, the Association welcomes the proposals that would see the creation of a new public square next to Christchurch Greyfriars Church Garden, along with traffic calming measures and improvements for people walking and cycling, and stresses the importance of an improved public realm to the City.

“significant improvements to the public realm would create a sense of arrival into the City and provide a much-needed boost for the retail and leisure destination of Cheapside, including One New Change. The appeal of the City as a destination and an attractive place to visit is fundamental to its ongoing success. Enhanced public realm, including open spaces and streets have a key role to play in attracting workers outside of office hours, visitors for leisure and boosting the City’s vibrancy.”

Read the full response

Read our other consultation responses

Read: Response to the Pedestrian Priority Streets consultation.

Read: Response to the Statement of Community Involvement (‘SCI’) and new Developer Engagement Guidance (‘DEG’).

Read: Response to the Draft Lighting Supplementary Planning Document.