
Response: City Plan 2040

12 Jun 2024

The City Property Association (CPA) has responded to the City of London Corporation’s consultation on its draft City Plan 2040. The Plan sets out the planning policies and strategic priorities that will guide the growth of the Square Mile until 2040.  

In the response we welcome the City Corporation’s vision, which aligns with our shared goals of sustainable growth, economic prosperity and global competitiveness. The CPA supports in principle the City Corporation’s priorities and considers that this draft Plan, with our proposed amendments and edits, will support the growth and the adaptability of the Square Mile for the Plan period.  

Our recommendations include: 

  • Sufficient Grade A office floorspace is available to attract global employers and skilled jobs to the City, allowing London to maintain its status as a global business centre and helping power the UK economy. 
  • The inclusion of a ‘retrofit first’ approach is supported by CPA, which aligns with the London Property Alliance’s (LPA) Retrofit First, Not Retrofit Only research paper. 
  • The CPA champions the City Corporation’s Destination City vision and supports the delivery of cultural and visitor attractions from major developments, but believes that there is a fine balance to be made alongside other S106 obligations and CIL sought from development, to ensure that developments remain viable and deliverable. 
Read the response here

Further reading:

Response: Planning for Sustainability Draft SPD

Blog: Things to look out for in the City Corporation’s transformative draft City Plan 2040

Response: City of London Corporation Transport Strategy Review

Report: Retrofit First, Not Retrofit Only: A focus on the retrofit and redevelopment of 20th century buildings