Past Event
CPA Annual Lunch 2023
Read more about our CPA Annual Lunch held at the Guildhall.
Past Event
Smart workplaces: How tech is transforming real estate
Members are invited to join us for an evening seminar looking at the growing role of smart technology in real estate
Past Event
Global Cities Seminar: The economic and market outlook for 2023
We were delighted to welcome members to our Global Cities Seminar
Past Event
NextGen Winter reception
It was fantastic to see so many NextGen members  join us for an evening celebration to welcome in 2023. 
Past Event
The City Reimagined: Creating world class public realm and infrastructure for a greener and smarter city
CPA members joined us on Thursday 1 December for a breakfast seminar hosted by Avison Young.
Past Event
Sustainable investment & development in the City & City Fringe
CPA members joined us on Tuesday 18 October for a breakfast seminar at the JJ Mack Building.
Past Event
Autumn seminar: Market update
Members were welcomed to a breakfast seminar reviewing central London's markets.
CPA NextGen: Creating a community garden at the famous former Printworks
Paper Garden Build volunteering day with Global Generation for CPA NextGen
Past Event
NextGen summer reception & report launch
We were delighted to welcome CPA NextGen members for a summer drinks reception & launch of a new NextGen Perspective report.
Past Event
CPA Evening Reception: BIDS & Business Partnerships Update
We were delighted to welcome members and stakeholders to an evening reception at 100 Bishopsgate